A few reasons... if you want to get a result, statistics show the person who acts within 5 to 25 minutes of deciding to get the result, increases the probability by 78%
That's a big enough reason, but when you act on this particular program you increase your chances by 99.2% because you're coupling that decision with a program that gives absolute certainty of both path and plan.
Not to mention having the support.
The most important key to all of this is you making a decision though because without that, this program can't help you.
With that decision however, you're all but guaranteeing your results because if you'll commit, then we won't let you fail.
So that's some real logic as to why now matters.
But to take it a step further, we also have to talk about all of the freebies you get by acting now. Especially if choosing option 3, then you're talking $100's of dollars in saving and freebies by acting now versus later.
See below again, and text your coach which option you're ready to start with.
Before, you do, ask yourself: "Which option would I choose if I knew I couldn't fail?" Then give yourself permission to go with that option.
Note: if it's helpful, you can hold your thumb over this image and save it to your phone for easier viewing